Sunday, May 22, 2011

Response to the Article

Karadzic was arrested three years from now (2008) and he is now facing criminal charge from his crimes in Bosnian Genocide and Srebrenica massacre. In late October 2009, his first trial was set for his eleven war crimes from genocide which were totally against humanity. Many Bosnian-Muslims and Bosnian-Croats even other non-Serb civilians that lived in Bosnia-Herzegovina were killed. Due to him, more than 7,000 people were raped and killed in five days in Srebrenica massacre while he defends himself as if he didn’t planned, ordered, or committed the crimes.
In my point of view, Karadzic shouldn’t defend himself about the war crimes because all people know that he was the former president of Bosnian-Serbs and more than 30% of population in Bosnia (Bosnian-Serbs) was against the independence of Bosnia. As he was the president of Serbia, he should have been logical towards people’s view and acknowledge that the genocide and Muslims, Croats, even non-Serbs death were all because of his plan. Also, based on the response for the video, as he immigrated to Bosnia and had become the president for Bosnian-Serbs, he was responsible to declare independence with Bosnian-Croats and Bosnian-Muslims and don’t start the war or the genocide that will drown people into the disaster. I wonder and if possible, I want to ask him about why he and his Serbs immigrated to Bosnia. Didn’t they immigrate to start a new life in another country? Or, to expand Serbia as a dominant nation? If the latter question was a part of the plan, then why did they start to move to Bosnia-Herzegovina thirty years ago? Unanswered questions for me.

1 comment:

  1. I guess that maybe he's just trying to stall his punishment for the genocide, although it really would make more sense if he just confessed. I tried to look this up, but from what I can tell, he still has yet to get any sort of punishment. I honestly think that it's sort of sad how long it's taking for someone who caused the death of so many to be locked away.
    Great blog, Ashley. I learned a whole lot from it. It's really well written and designed.
